Alexander Stine Alexander Stine

Why should I get my car coated?

Good Question, I’m glad you asked.

Lets start out with scenarios where a coating doesn’t make sense.

  • You already don’t frequently wash your car, we’re talking monthly at the least or bi-weekly.

  • you enjoy spending time in your driveway killing your shoulders applying a wax that doesn’t last a full year or gets gunked up in your emblems and jambs.

  • You enjoy scrubbing with dry towels, or using an old shammy/California duster.

  • You enjoy taking longer than necessary to wash your car as it keeps you from other obligations.

Now, These are some scenarios that make sense.

  • You don’t have time to waste washing your vehicle, but need it clean for professional/personal reasons.

  • You really, really enjoy your reflection as you walk up to you vehicle.

  • You like to “look back at it” after you’ve parked.

  • YOu enjoy seeing more beads on your paint than you would at Mardi-Gras

  • YOu know protecting the surfaces of your vehicle will keep it looking newer, longer thus maintaining a higher resale value down the road.

  • You like the idea of bug guts, UV rays, acid rain, and bird poop struggling to damage your cars finish because you have superior surface protection.

  • You enjoy taking the back of your hand to a freshly washed surface and feeling how slick it is (my personal favorite)

Hands down, coatings will make it easier to maintain your vehicle.

Despite looking better, maintaining slickness for longer, and being more durable than Wax or Sealant; They also save you money.

We charge $349-$599 for a paint enhancement with a spray on sealant, which in our climate realistically you may get 6-9 months of protection out of - if you are maintaining it.

this is something some people pay for annually. Their “annual buff and wax” so to speak, or they’ll do it spring and fall to prepare for and come out of winter.

Our coatings are rated to last a minimum of 3 years

They start at $999 for an enhancement and application.

here is some quick math for those who like to see it, giving the Sealant its Longest Scenario.

Sealant: $349 * 4 Applications = $1396

Coating : $999 * 1 Application = $999

$1396- $999 = $397 Saved on surface protection over 3 years.

Just for curiosity…

$349 * 6 Applications = $2,094

You’d save over $1,000 in 3 years by getting a coating instead of opting for an enhancement/sealant every 6 months. for all that you could get our Level 3 wheels -off package and protect even more surfaces. the choice is yours, although I think it may be a pretty easy one to make.

-Have a great day.

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